Put Together
Time moves fast,
stumbling under its pace
pulling under passengers
who have poorly positioned
themselves on this cart,
this rumbling train.So as speed picks up,
As things fling by,
As people begin to flip overboard
and smash into the blurred landscape.It is fair to think lesser of them.
'Tis but a choice of the lazy to die'
'Tis but the punishment of the lazy to die'
And as you stand amused by your philosophy.
You unconsciously begin to adjust your stance,
as a gust of wind begins
to flutter your coat's collar.Let us hope that the world does not
mark you as lazy.
I feel like I have lost something,
a bit has fallen, a storm came
and swept away;
a bit, a part, a fragment.
I awoke and my face, clothes, and tongue
Taken from my grasp.Myself quickly Flanders up,
Towards a mirror.
Hands touch my form.
Outline my fears, my sorry self.
Pushing through a thick membrane
Around me.
A gunky pillow, cased around me,
Thick slime, drenches around me.I lost my confidence,
My mind signals
Doubt courses through myself,
Hate soaking up within,
deep, down, despair, dread,
an ocean of doubt,
a dreadnought of dismay.
a sickening inability to push through,
A self-sabotage,
so deep that I can't see myself as the initiator
The great grant mastermind behind this master plan.My thoughts sucked up by irrationally reasoning
that responsibility lay upon variables unrelated.
A deep distraction making me forget
That I am drowning in my own thoughts.
Put Together - Photo +Poety Collection
An outline of oneself, an exploration of who we could become, and a prophesy I never want to see. Put Together includes 23 dark poems written by Caleb Cameron and accompanied by a collection of photo works by Mish Perera, Natalie Morgan, Caleb Cameron, and modeled by Liam Ganter. Put Together is a passion project which has been in the making for 4 months, it is the third book within a series of photographic and poetic stories, exploring the emotional and physical descent of a lost character. Outlining the life he had, the dreams he lost, and what possibly went wrong. The book is a messy transcription of unkept thoughts and feelings of a man on the edge.